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About The Author
Authors Notes
Your First Pond
Trees & Sunshine
Take The Plunge
Preformed Pools
Installing A Liner
Making A Raised Pool
A Koi Pond
Miniature Ponds
Adding A Waterfall
Colourful Ponds
Choosing A Pump
Solar Powered Pumps
Looking After A Pump
Pond Pipework
Installing A Fountain
Self-Contained Fountains
The Leaky Pond
Planting The Pond
A Wildlife Pond
A Bog Garden
Pond Plants
Plants Round A Pond
Choosing A Lily
Floating Plants
Water Hyacinth
Oxygenating Plants
About Fish
When To Buy Fish
Choosing Fish
Quarantining Fish
Fish Under Stress
Feeding Your Fish
Holidays & Fish
Breeding Coldwater Fish
Changing Colours Of Fish
Pond Fish
A Koi Collection
Ghost Koi
Fancy Goldfish
Coldwater Catfish
Grass Carp
Rearing Trout
Swan Mussels
Visitors To The Pond
Visiting A Koi Auction
Clubs & Societies
Caring For Fish
Testing The Water
Are You Poisoning Your Fish
Ponds & Medicines
Diseases & Parasites
Disappearing Fish
Problems With Herons
Green Ponds
Fish Pond Filters
How A Filter Works
Improving Your Filter
Ultra Violet Sterilizers
Looking After A Filter
The Pond Through The Year
Spring Cleaning
Pond Plants In Spring
Ponds In Summer
Autumn & Winter
Breaking The Ice
10 Problems
Useful Facts & Figures

Allotment Articles1.
Allotment Articles 2.

Water Hyacinth

Water Hyacinth, or to give it its Latin name Eichornia Crassipes is a free-floating plant sold for fishponds. The plants roots trail downwards looking like feathery gills and the plant floats due to its own little buoyancy chambers. These are grossly enlarged hollow stems with the leaves of the plant held above the waters surface. It does have a very attractive mauve flower, but it rarely flowers in this country outside as it is not warm enough. It will flower quite readily in a greenhouse, or conservatory. Because the plant is imported from warmer climates it must not be put outside on the fishpond before all risk of frost has gone and then will only last outside until the colder nights of the autumn come. It is sometimes possible to bring them in for winter and keep them for the following year in a fish tank, or bucket in the kitchen.

The water hyacinth is a very fast grower under good conditions and spreads like a strawberry by offshoots. Indeed in Florida it grows so well it chokes the waterways and is considered to be a menace although some fish eat it. Because of its fast growth it is a greedy feeder taking the nitrates out of the water thereby helping to keep the water sweet. It is now catching on for use in vegetable filters that supplement the ordinary biological filter. These are simply a large container holding as much water hyacinth as possible through which the pond water is pumped.

The plant also provides valuable shade for the pond in mid summer when the sun can be fierce. (We have all heard about John Majors sun burnt goldfish!)

Fish will also nibble at the roots of the Hyacinth eating the algae that they collect and the insects that they attract which helps their diet. Another use for the water hyacinth is as a spawning medium for fish. In Japan it is much favored for spawning Koi, who lay their eggs in its long filamentous roots. Goldfish also like to spawn in it and because it is a natural medium, success may be better than with artificial spawning mops.

One thing which must be remembered is that water hyacinths don’t tolerate algaecides at all and some other chemicals may also affect them so it is advisable to remove them from your pond for a couple of weeks if you treat it with any medicine.

Water Hyacinths are available in season from all good aquatic retailers and will cost between one and two pounds each, but as they grow quickly they are good value for money.













