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Wellington Fields Allotments - Hixon.


Plough Field Allotments at Amerton

Gardening Tips
By Mrs FM

Unusual & Old
Fashioned Fruit

Herbs & Other
Edible Plants.

Environmental Issues And Going Green.

Vines And Other Climbing Plants.

Fish Ponds

Books By
Alan J Hartley



Tree Project.

Syringa - Lilac.

Syringa, or Lilac as it is usually known, consists of a genus of 12 species of shrubs, or small trees belonging to the olive family. They are native to South Eastern Europe, but their range goes as far as eastern Asia. Nowadays of course they are grown in parks and gardens in all of the Temperate regions of the World.
They are also closely related to Privet, or Ligustrum and have been bred to produce many species and varieties most of which are deciduous shrubs,

Grown in many Gardens Lilacs will actually reach up to 10 metres if allowed to grow unchecked. They like to grow in a sunny spot and may not flower if they are too shady. Flowers are most well known as being a Lilac colour, hence the common name, but can range through from purple to dark burgundy, pink, white and even pale yellow, with many species having a strong scent. Flowers will appear in April and May on Trees that are mature, which if grown from seed, may take a few years. After Flowering, a small brown fruit develops which splits in two to release two winged seeds.
Lilac wood has long been used for engraving, musical instruments and making knife handles,
Not only are bees and other insects drawn to the flowers, but the leaves of Lilacs are eaten by the larvae of several species of moths.



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